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Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!

WOW this is a huge achievement and one big step for me personally to write a  blog since I got much time to write(even i am on mid semester test rn). Here we go!!

Where is Dengkil actually? UiTM Dengkil? hmm, is it good to study there? Those are some questions that i thought when i wanna sign up my UPU after finishing my high school.

Now, let me share to you guys about the 'awesomeness' of UiTM Dengkil (jk hehe). But first, praise to Allah the most almighty to this rizq, i manage to pursue my study in course that i really love and study in this beautiful place with my great friends. To all the SPM leavers please read this till the end okay;)

First thing about UiTM Dengkil is.... It is a center of foundation studies where there are four different programs being offered. Science, TESL, Law and lastly Engineering. Guess which program I am from? I can say that the facilities provided in UiTM Dengkil is in a very good condition and AWESOME(hyperbola jk) Okay lets take a look of UiTM Dengkil!

Image result for kelas uitm dengkil
source: google
This building is Bangunan Dinamik. It's very beautiful,right hahaha

There are 3 academic blocks which are Bangunan Dinamik, Bangunan Progresif and Bangunan Etika. Alright lets move on to hostel. Yeah it is really interesting when it comes to this part. In UiTM Dengkil we will stay in apartment(that's what i call) or house. There are 3 rooms and 1 rooms will occupy 2 people. Total up 6 people in one apartment.

This is my homie/squad haha. We're missing one boy, Darrell as he went to pilot program.

All of you will share the bathroom (but not shower together okay), study, singing together and you'll be like a family believe me. For boys block it is call Tualang 1, 2 and 3 meanwhile for girls the block named as Dahlia 1, 2 and 3. It is really big as it has 7 levels and 2 sides. Lets take a look the cafeteria first since I couldn't find the photo of our house. In dengkil, the students call it as Anjung and there is one more cafe with air-conditioner(cool right haha lol).

Image result for blok tualang dengkil
source: google

What else? Classroom? Lecture hall? Yup of course there are classroom and lecture hall. Everything in the class and hall still in good condition since UiTM Dengkil is still new and young institution.

Alright so here is my classmates/soulmates haha for almost one year. We are from engineering programme(finally I told you guys hehe) We are the great E22. Find me?

How about the lab in Dengkil?? yeah let's see

This is my group during physics lab if I'm not mistaken. What can I say we're a complete team;) hehe
Hit me up if you want to know more or want their number(ofc its just a joke)

More picture? sure,why not..

My classmates are very athletic so we always spend our evening by playing frisbee together. This is my first time to try this sports and I really love it. Can you see everyone's fake happy face (everyone were exhausted of playing act. They are good actor hahaha).

And this is the view during daytime in front of Anjung Dengkil. It still beautiful I knowT_T
If you're going to study here, you will see almost everyday the students will have like a photoshoot at this area or they take ootd here. It won't be weird anymore in Dengkil if you take picture everyday,meh hehehe..
Like this picture. This is us E22 class. After we finish our last paper, usually everyone will grab a chance to take many pictures as they can eventhough it is hot af outside.

Last but not least, my schoolmates in Dengkil. They are quite a lot of us so it feels like we're still in Baling back then hehe...

They are so many things that I have learnt in UiTM Dengkil. Lots of memories and valuable experiences you can get if you guys study in here(promote you guys act hahah)

InsyaAllah I will write more and keep update my blog from time to time or whenever I have free time like right now. Don't be shy to ask me anything. I will answer your question if you have something to know more about UiTM Dengkil. I will update our best ever class trip(not one but two okay haha just wait) and the activities in Dengkil or maybe my daily routine in Dengkil after this.

Hopefully all of you inspired to pursue your foundation study in here. #dengkilperform
Enjoy your day and stay safe okay!!(*◕แด—◕*)


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